What the world is in that bag? #Rollout

This is my own version of me “rolling out” my gym bag. If you read the title of the blog post and didn’t immediately follow it up with “Whatchu got in that bag?” then we may need to reevaluate our friendship. Thanks for the inspiration Ludacris.

I commute to and from different places A LOT throughout the week. Today, I’ve been to 3 different jobs! Since I’m always on the move, I always have my bag of necessities with me. I’m going to share with you some of the things you may find in my bag on a day-to-day basis.

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The bag:

The Hottie Yoga bag from Lululemon 

Hottie Hot Yoga Bag



I love this bag because

1) it is the perfect size for all my daily necessities

2) It has a laptop sleeve inside (just in case I need to do some school/blog work)

3) It has a cross body strap and shoulder straps

Unfortunately, I don’t think they sell it anymore 😦


The make-up bag:

clinique bag

I got this make-up bag as a freebie when I bought some foundation a while back. IT has been a life saver ever since! Since I wake up and drive to work around 4am, I usually put my make up on after I have my first cup of coffee at work (before anyone sees me). This little baby came with a few beauty necessities and I added a few of my own products as well!

The headband:


I am OBSESSED with sweaty bands. I’ve been wearing them for years and I swear by them. The “felt” side of the headband keeps your hair out of your face and it seriously never budges. I absolutely despise headbands that fall off the back of my head. Sweaty bands never let me down. They come in so many different colors, designs, and widths. I love the thin bands the most, but I also wear some of the thicker options. they make great gifts, too! Check them out on their website. Sweatybands.com 




Yes, I use mens deodorant. It gets the job done. I’m not gonna lie, the flowery scent of women’s deodorant really grosses me out. I don’t know why. Maybe I just don’t want to smell like a delicate flower when I’m working my ass off. It’s whatevs. I was going to exclude my deodorant choice and pretend like I’m not a huge weirdo, but I am a huge weirdo. After all, this blog is about me, so take it or leave it!


The snack of choice:

photo 1


Bar flavors: Smooth Caffeinator, All in Almond, Lauren’s Mega Nuts, Blueberry Bombdizzle, and Need for Seed (not listed)

Picky bars are a new-found love of mine. Usually, if I eat a bar before a workout, it ends up messing with my stomach or making me feel nauseous. Enter Picky Bars! These bars are made with all natural ingredients and are super easy on the tummy! Plus, they’re freakin delicious! I have eaten picky bars before, during, and after workouts and haven’t had any negative side effects. Picky bars were created by two professional runners who wanted to make a gluten and dairy free energy bar. The bars have a 4:1 carbohydrate to protein ratio, which makes them perfect for pre or post workout snacks. They come in 5 different flavors (only 4 in picture), but I had already eaten all of my The Need for Seed bars because they are BOMB! Check them out at Pickybars.com.. you won’t be sorry!


The headphones:

Picture 3

I break headphones like a crazy person, so pictured above are the generic iPhone headphones. Since you get a free pair with pretty much every Apple product you buy (iPhone & iPod) , I have like a gazillion pairs. So, once I ruin one pair I just reach in the drawer and pull out the next one. I recently was running on the treadmill and the ear bud began shocking my left ear. They recently were laid to rest RIP iPhone headphones.

The water bottle:


The Bkr water bottle is a necessity! Not only are they super chic and adorable, they’re also way better for the environment than plastic water bottles. Bkr bottles are made of glass and covered in a silicone sleeve. They are BPA-free, phthalate-free, and made with FDA approved materials. They come in 16oz and 32 oz options and so many colors it makes it hard to choose one! I have two of them:) Often times I buy these bottles for my friends for birthdays or just a little somethin’somethin.

Not pictured

Starbucks VIA

starbucks VIA

I need my caffeine and since drinking an Americano at breakfast, lunch, and dinner gets kind of expensive I resort to VIA. They are quick, easy, and give me my caffeine fix. Plus, they’re pretty delicious! They come in caramel, vanilla, and black. Getcha some. #caffeine.

Well, now you’ve seen what I’ve got in my bag. I hope you go check out some of the awesome products!